Questions of interest to all

Dear all,

As I presume we all might understand that many questions written to the Administrator are questions of interest to all of you, or at least many of you, we will from now on ‘publish’ some questions including our reply on our website.
Yes, we could have started this before, earlier. And if you have any suggestions how to improve it, please let us know. This is just a start, you’ve got to start somewhere…

Kind regards,

Emil J. Böttcher

Q. I wonder - could you please clarify something for me regarding voting for the reps? Will the reps, or anyone in fact, be told who has voted for whom? It’s just that it could be difficult not voting for friends because I don’t agree with their views but then again we’re friends!
R. You only fill in your 'numbers' on the voting form and only send or give it to the Administrator. The forms will be gathered in his office in Murcia Capital, where they all will be registered by those numbers. Then they will be checked on validity and counted. Not any rep, present nor future ones, will be informed about who voted for whom nor will it be published.