
The internet is a very handy medium to inform everybody, but one should distinguish what's really for everybody and what should be more restricted. The minutes are for your eyes only, and you know who we mean when we say YOU! NO, we don't have any secrets but YES, we consider it our duty to respect some privacy.

Only our owners can get access to the minutes on these pages. And because these pages are set up electronically, you can only get access if you have personal electronic mail, better known as e-mail. So you first have to send an e-mail to the administrator. In that e-mail you ask for access, state your name and plot-number and type exactly how we should write your main address, meaning where you would like to receive your "normal" (non-electronic) mail. This is to check if you are really you and also as a result we hope we will receive less returned undelivered conventional mail! Because it's such a waste of money.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation!

Write to the administrador@mazarron.cc.

He will send you an e-mail in which you find a link. That takes you to a 'login-page', where you do not need to log in. On that page is another link "continue as a guest". Click on that one and you're in.

If you don't have e-mail, then get one for free, ending on @mazarron.cc. See next chapter "E-mail".