
Would you like all your contacts to know that you form part of the Mazarrón Country Club? Or perhaps up till now you didn’t have any e-mail address of your own? Well, guess what, you can get it here and now, and what's more: It's FOR FREE! Write to the administrator, so you can have your own e-mail ending on @mazarron.cc. So if your name is for example David you could have david@mazarron.cc, thus David at Mazarrón Country Club. You are at MCC, so why not tell everybody.

Every time you want to read your e-mail, you enter this website http://www.mazarron.cc/, click left on "Read your E-mail" and you can read it. Like reading it at home, at the Mazarrón Country Club. Well, it's web-mail, so you can read it from every where in the world.

Write immediately an e-mail to e-mail@mazarron.cc stating your name and plotnumber and the e-mail address you're applying for. Have fun!