
... to the internet site of the Community of Owners "Mazarrón Country Club". This site is maintained by the administrator of the Community. If you have any suggestion or simply would like to contact him, feel free to write an e-mail to administrador@mazarron.cc.

If you have a nice photo of our urbanization that represents nicely the 'common sense' of our Community of Owners, send it to him so it can be used on these pages.

In order to be able to read the Minutes on these pages you need to get in contact with the administrator by e-mail, because not all information is as public as the internet is. That is, there are no secrets for any of our co-owners but certain internal affairs are not really the business of people outside the Mazarrón Country Club.

Hopefully these pages will be quite helpful to get everybody up to date about what's going on in your Community of Owners. If you want to add something or you have a question, just write to the administrator, that's what he's there for.

Last but not least, if you'd like to show the world you are part of or live on the Mazarrón Country Club you can get an e-mail address ending in @mazarron.cc, for free! How about that !?! Click right away on the chapter "Your e-mail".