Chapman, Terry
I want the MCC to continue to develop as a pleasant, clean and safe place to live at reasonable cost and am willing to devote some of my time to help the Community of Owners, whose task this is, achieve this aim.
I do not believe the CoO should be used as another platform to attack Huma, this is not, nor should it become, its function. OF course the CoO should press for the completion of the infrastructure.
My career in business management includes 22 years running my own company and, at the same time, serving for 16 years as director and CEO of another.
I believe this background has given me the experience and ability to continue to work well as one of your team of Community Representatives.
Dennis, Dave
I would:-
Endeavour to improve the MCC at an affordable cost; involving owners in management of our urbanisation
Present your views fairly; strongly believing community information be available to all owners.
Continue working voluntarily in the CoO Office assisting where required.
Support whoever you elect; move the community forward.
Gassner, Colin
Married, rational, fair minded and a believer in listening to another’s point of view I believe that representing the residents as a group of individuals of paramount importance.
My representations/votes would be based upon an analysis of residents comments and wishes (if you do not tell me, I cannot vote!!) I will not entertain suppositions in this instance.
I believe in a representative being just that, a representative of informed residents.
Gatenby, Chris
Along with my partner Sandra I have lived full time on Mazarrón Country Club now for 2,5 years. I believe that managed in a responsible and sensible manner with due regard to costs that the MCC could be a beacon example of how an urbanisation should be run which will reflect in our quality of life here and the value of our properties. I have served on the voluntary committee since its inception and on the security committee before and am willing to commit my time and efforts to serving the community in the future.
Heaney, Andrew
No written profile, you know Andrew, as straight forward as he is. At the moment he is the Vice President of the voluntary representative committee.
Heppel, Martin
Lived here 3 years. A family man, former surveyor committed to the running of the development at a reasonable cost. Manzana representative volunteer also helping in the office for general queries. Achieved security and gardening contracts. Never a YES person am here to
do the best in your interests.
Jackman, Sheila
I have lived on the C.C. for 5+ years & seen it go from a 'building site' with few Residents, to now, with many Residents. During that time I have worked with other Owners attempting to achieve the facilities we all want.
If elected, I would continue to work on behalf of all Owners to make this the 'Village' we all want to live in, run honestly & efficiently.
Jay, Roger
I have lived on MCC for 3 years and I have served on the volunteer committee since its inception. My aim is to ensure that MCC continues to be a pleasant place to live, but at a reasonable cost to all home owners. I hope to use my 8 years experience as a Parish Councillor to further these ends.
Klein, Peter
By profession official. A special concern to me is the representation of the Country Club towards the wide public, and especially in the relation to its own Residents. Extraordinarily important is the external image of the total, like neatness and security. Naturally the work of the group comprises much more. Looking forward to an active cooperation.
Miller, Sandra
I believe … dissemination of information is crucial for a well run Community. Owners should be involved in the decision making process. Quarterly public meetings should be held to discuss issues facing the Community (difficulties arising, proposed changes, the way forward, etc.). As a Community Representative I believe in being open, just and fair in our management.
Schlömer, Karl-Heinz
Married to Anita Schlömer, retired Railway official, 66 years old. Since 02.04.2002 living almost continuously permanent on the Country Club. In my working days I’ve been for many years the representative of the handicapped in the board of personnel. Lately I’ve been the only German representative. I wish to continue with more German support on my site.
Schmitz, Hannelore
MCC 9-10. Age: 57 Occupations: Teacher
For 6 years resident in the MCC, 3 years with Arno Meyer for the concerns of the CoO
Secretary May 2005 until May 2006, 1 year for the CoO in the office. Secretary 2007
My wish: An impressive well functioning clean, international Urbanisation!!
Smith, Barry
I have lived on MCC since April 2005, I was involved in the defunct security committee as a volunteer, I wish to represent the community with a more influential mandate as an elected representative in this newly formed CoO that has the responsibility of ensuring a progressively improving MCC environment.
Taylor, Jack
Lived on MCC since February 2004 and served as a non elected member of the current committee and on the Security committee.
I am still Managing Director of an international railway engineering company and have served 2 terms on the board of the local Chamber of Commerce. I feel I can use this experience to help the Community continue to move forward and make MCC a great place to be which will benefit all owners.
Wilmot, Jane
I have lived here for over three years. MCC is a beautiful urbanisation and I want it to remain so without huge and unnecessary costs. I will do my best to help solve residents problems. Teamwork is the key to success. Nothing is achieved by divisiveness.